I will admit that procrastination is an issue for me when it comes to me trying to complete my work in a timely manner. For me it’s hard to focus and complete my work in the daytime because there are so many distractions so I will wait until its nighttime or midnight to complete my work. That is an issue because then I am tired and I need to be resting not doing work so I lack sleep. This soon begins to become a cycle because I will be tired all day and in between my classes try to get some sleep but it’s not enough time for me. Also, this is my first time being a freshman in college and taking four courses so I’m still trying to learn how to manage and balance it all so I will not fall behind.

When I begin to procrastinate I am trying to get some rest or relaxing by reading a book or listening to music so I will not begin stress. I’m not a party type so I do not go out on the weekends I either stay in, go off-campus to shop, or mainly I just go home. When I go home I hardly get any work done because I’m too busy hanging out with family and friends so even when I try to make time in between to do my work it doesn’t get done because I don’t feel like doing it or can not focus. When I’m on my way back to school or at school after coming back from home that’s when I do all of my work like a day or two before it is due because on Friday’s I go home and I don’t feel like doing it because I just had a whole week of doing work and I need a break.

However, since I started spring quarter I have changed these habits of procrastination. When I’m first assigned an assignment I do it right away because I know I’m not going to work on it when I need a break from work so I do it to get it out of the way. I’m breaking out of this habit because this is not a good habit to have while I’m in college. I’m not going to let this habit be the reason why I do not succeed while in college and after. Breaking it now will eliminate a lot of other hurdles I will need to overcome while being a college student. 


  1. Oh my goodness! Yes Procrastination! I am the laziest person sometimes that I leave everything in the last min. I need to change that because I think I get lazy everyday lol

  2. I have the same struggle! I procrastinate all the time. Unfortunately, I haven’t stopped this habit. I know it’s bad but I can’t help it, it’s hard to do my work right away. Hopefully I can stop this habit before my grades suffer. I congratulate you on your way to improvement. 🙂

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