On- Campus Vs. Off- Campus

I’m really having difficulties on finding a place off- campus like there’s always something that prevents me and my roommates on living there. Here’s the list:

  • Credit Check Background: First off were College students and most of us is freshmen like we don’t have no credit right now that was the last thing on our mind when we graduate to start working on getting credit. We were more worried about getting ready for college.
  • Co-Signer: We don’t have anyone that is willing to co-sign for all of us maybe individually but not as a party like come on now who is willing to do that now a days because something always go wrong or people don’t feel comfortable doing that. Also they have to own property in California and have good credit.
  • Parent Permission: Since we are all under 21 we can have are parents sign for us but they also have to have good credit and none of our parents have good credit.

But I will love to stay off-campus because i will save so much more money and I’m kind of tired of the dining hall food well no I AM tired of the dining hall food. Also, it’s smaller and I’m paying more for the rooms in the apt. and it’s not worth it at all, I can liven in a single off-campus for way cheaper than on-campus sharing a dorm room because that;s what it feels like. Another reason is that there’s too may rules like if I’m going to college aka “adult school” I will like to be treated like one not like I’m a high schooler in boarding school or something. In addition, I need to learn how to be more independent being on my own cooking for myself and managing my money wisely and having to pay for my necessities and bills all on my own because I need the experience early so when I graduate from college I want be dumbfounded in this world!


  1. I totally understand your frustration. We’re only college students, and it sucks having to rely on other people (like your parents) to find a place off campus. You should get a student credit card though, so you can start building up credit.

  2. I had the same problem for net year. I have decided to just stay up on campus and wait till the following year after this upcoming one. But you put great deltas for living off campus.

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